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Christopher Hunt

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Assessment of Learning

Christopher Hunt
Christopher Hunt
I had a student with severe ASD. Any objects on the table when he arrived would go into his mouth. He would eat crayons and chew pencils all the way down to the lead. We gave him rubber toys to hold and chew on while he drew with the other hand. Getting him to focus on a task for any length of time was one of the goals in his IEP and not put objects in his mouth.
Assessment of Learning

Christopher Hunt
Christopher Hunt
For SLD students, I # the steps and include a visual symbol or pic. I enlarge these steps on a poster maker at school and post in front of the classroom. All students can benefit from this poster including the SLD student(s). I also demonstrate using my Elmo/Ladybug projector. The poster helps the student check his steps if he gets confused during the process. The completed project is the assessment. If the student followed the steps, the project will be successful.
Students with Disabilities

Christopher Hunt
Christopher Hunt
I had a first grade a student who has E/BD. When she was in my class, she would get frustrated when she saw other student's work and would compare it to her own. She would wander about the classroom without permission. She would take other students papers away from them and tear them up. She would throw away her own art work, and hide under the table. On several occasions she would throw the box of materials all over the classroom. She would call other students "stupid". I started to have her focus on art that she wanted to create. There are guidelines she had to follow, but for subject matter, I allowed her to chose what she'd like to focus on. When she stayed on task, I would reward her with token "money" we used schoolwide for behavior management. She enjoyed receiving the token "money".
Tools And Strategies

Christopher Hunt
Christopher Hunt
I use my Elmo/Ladybug projector daily. Upon entering the art room they write down the date and objective for the day period. When I introduce a new lesson, I also use the Elmo so everyone can see my hands and hear the directions I am giving. I have also use YouTube clips of other artists and teachers demonstrating a similar lesson. All of my students benefit from the visuals and audio I show them which helps them understand the project.

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