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Jody Dragon

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Assessment of Learning

Jody Dragon
Jody Dragon
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

I have a 4th grade student with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder). When he gets overwhelmed and/or frustrated he disrupts the class, shouts, breaks pencils/supplies and crumples up his paper or will not participate. I am using strategies that have dramatically improved his behavior in art class. I use proximity with him to keep him on task and to attend to him quicker when he starts to get frustrated-before he is really worked up, to avoid reprimanding him and triggering his behaviors. I always give him some one on one attention after I give directions to check in and see if he understands the directions or if he needs clarification. We have begun to form a trust between us. He knows that I believe in him and that my expectations are positive. I frequently compliment his work and behavior whenever I can. The positive feedback has been increasing his self esteem and his willingness to take risks. This has culminated in him producing work to assess when before he did not participate.
edited by Jody Dragon on 2/16/2021
Students With Disabilities

Jody Dragon
Jody Dragon
I have a 4th grade student with learning disabilities and fine motor skill deficits. He has difficulty processing information, following directions and staying on task. I use proximity when I am giving directions and cuing to keep his attention. I usually repeat the directions in easier to understand terms and answer any questions he has. I stand close to his table and prompt him to stay on task and praise his efforts as he progresses. When he gets confused or seems lost I work with him one on one, often modelling and showing examples. On occasion I will work with him hand over hand to accomplish something challenging.
Tools and Strategies

Jody Dragon
Jody Dragon
Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your art classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability.

For a student with ADHD I provide a copy of my lesson on Google Slides that he views from an ipad. When he needs additional time to complete a project, wants to work at a different pace, forgets instructions or needs visual examples, he can move to any portion of the lesson anytime he wants. This gives him immediate access to all of the material any time he needs it. He likes that he can answer his own questions and work more independently (without his peers hearing him ask me to repeat things) which makes him feel more confident.
Assessment of Learning

Jody Dragon
Jody Dragon
When assessing a student with a reading disability on an exit ticket I read the question(s) aloud to her. She is able to dictate her answers and I record them in her journal.
Instead of asking a student receiving OT for fine and gross motor skills to demonstrate a drawing technique (for example, shading), I provide various visual examples for them to select which one represents that specific technique by identifying the option as A/B/C etc. vs. pointing or filling in a bubble.
Assessment of Learning

Jody Dragon
Jody Dragon
For a student with a fine and gross motor deficit I provide different tools and materials to accommodate them but still allow them to fully participate. For example, I have fat pencils and pencils with grips that are easier to hold, likewise with fat crayons and paint brushes. Instead of having the student write out answers on assessments I allow them to dictate their response and record it for them.

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