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Rebecca Cochran

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Students with Disabilities

Rebecca Cochran
Rebecca Cochran
A few years ago I had a 4th grader with cerebral palsy who wanted to participate in strings. After talking with her mom, we decided that the cello would be the best to try since she lacked the strength in her arms to hold up an instrument. However once we moved past just playing on the open strings, it became increasingly difficult for her to keep up. Her fingers also lacked the dexterity and strength to press the strings down. Coupled with the challenge and then the fact that the class was before school, which created transportation issues and she also didn't like to wake up early, she stopped taking the class after a couple of months. However, her mom was super grateful that we tried and that I did everything I could to accomodate her disability.
Tools and Strategies

Rebecca Cochran
Rebecca Cochran
I've been using play along videos with my students while playing ukulele and guitar so that I can move around the room and help the students that need help and are struggling with the motor skills needed to play chords. I am also able to zoom in on the projector to make it large enough for everyone to see the screens.
Assessment of Learning

Rebecca Cochran
Rebecca Cochran
I had a student in my chorus who was autistic and had a great fear of performing in front of others. So I worked with her mother in coming up with an alternative assignment for her instead of performing at the concert. It was her job to critique her choir's performance and write a review. She loved it and was able to feel involved without invoking her stress and fears of public performance.

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