Students with Disabilities
Tracey Nix
After having been identified as an Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities student while in Pre-K, the student entered the kindergarten general education classroom. Daily she drew on anything and everything, she would cut her clothes or hair if she could find a pair of scissors, and she would frequently become angry and throw objects and screech (among other behaviors). She was eventually moved in to the full-time ESE class setting. While there, a very nurturing teacher worked with her over the years to manage her frustration and anger. At the end of her fourth grade year the school had a talent show, and this student decided to dance. Her teacher helped her to get an appropriate outfit to match the music, but the truth was that everyone was holding their breath to see what this student was going to do. She absolutely owned that stage and left all who were watching spellbound and in tears. When the dance was over, she was overwhelmed by the applause and curtsied which in turned caused the crowd to cheer louder. The confidence she gained that day carried through her fifth grade year, |