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Kimberly Booker

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Students with Disabilities

Kimberly Booker
Kimberly Booker
I had a Kindergarten student who was visually impaired in both eyes and def in one ear. She did not have a problem hearing instructions. She was not able to see the video presentations nor the examples of art work. Her learning was limited to tactile activities.
Tools And Strategies

Kimberly Booker
Kimberly Booker
This year, I am teaching art on a cart during the pandemic. Everything is new to me as well as the students. There is a lot of transient students. Mid-year, I got a new fourth grade student. He didn't seem to respond to my teaching the way the other students did. After a few weeks went by, I was presented with a lanyard that attached to a microphone. The new student was partially deaf and wore a hearing device that picked up the microphone that hung from my lanyard so he could hear. Needles to say, his engagement soared.
Since I spend about 30% of my time teaching virtually, I'm using technology then also.
Assessment of Learning

Kimberly Booker
Kimberly Booker
I teach 5th grade students who are SLD and are low level readers. I give written assessments. Since I am not assessing reading standards, I read the test to the entire class. That way, no one is singled out, I can control the pace and give extra time when and where needed.

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