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Allison Lund

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Students with Disabilities

Allison Lund
Allison Lund
I have a student with one arm. He's in an upper grade that uses drumsticks and mallets (requiring 2 hands.) In most activities, he is able to still play all the rhythms. I took a moment last week to show him proper mallet technique used in high school percussion ensembles that allows for him to have the mallet/stick bounce more. This gives him the ability to play faster rhythms using one hand/stick, rhythms that other students may have to alternate 2 mallets/sticks in order to play correctly. The student also secures one stick under his arm when clicking the sticks together during rhythms studies, rather than holding a stick in each hand. When we move to melodic instruments, he may have a bassline that requires less notes or he may get to play a bass drum instrument, since he is able to keep a steady tempo better than most of his classmates. It helps that this student has a genuine interest in music and wants to learn to perform on various instruments.
Assessment of Learning

Allison Lund
Allison Lund
Option 1: Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the music classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion:

I have a student in a wheel chair with cerebral palsy who has some limitations to his movements. When the class does body percussion or clapping of rhythms, his physical limitations don't allow for him to keep a steady tempo during the entire song/excerpt. During the beginning of the year, as long as he was "attempting" to keep the same tempo and follow the body percussion, I gave him full credit, as other students did not perform perfectly either and they earned full credit for attempt at a new skill, concept. Now, as he's gotten more practice and I've gotten to work with him more, he is able to keep a steady tempo for a measure at a time if he really concentrates. This is his new adapted assessment, demonstrating one measure of rhythms clapping or body percussion at a time.

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