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Gloria Sed

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Students With Disabilities

Gloria Sed
Gloria Sed
I have a number of students with SLD, ASD, EBD, SI, and OHI. I provide several accommodations including preferential seating, grouping, repetition of instructions with demonstrations in small group or individually as needed. I try to provide multiple ways of receiving information: written, oral, visual. I try to offer some choice if the task allows. For example students with sensory issues tend to refuse to use charcoal. Depending on the project and the individual, I may allow them to use a different material or use gloves.
Tools and Strategies

Gloria Sed
Gloria Sed
I could use "Discovery Learning" to further assist in the learning of art criticism by giving each group a piece of art to explore and some prompts.
At my school, we are currently learning about Microsoft Teams and Notebook. I could created an E-Center (Learning Center) within these platforms by creating small groups within the team channels and posting some activities for their collaborative space.
Tools and Strategies

Gloria Sed
Gloria Sed
I use Dave Ate Ice cream Everyday ! smile

Jennifer Abney wrote:
One strategy I use frequently in my high-school art classroom is the Mnemonic Instruction tool of "Letter Strategy." While studying Feldman's Method of Art Criticism, students come up with a (funny) phrase to help them remember the 4 steps in order. For example, "Dance Always in Jammies" or "Dogs are Igloo Jumpers" helps students remember DAIJ (Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgement). We take the "Letter Strategy" one step farther and draw a picture that corresponds to their phrase (they will draw a colored picture of a dog jumping over an igloo, writing their phrase and the 4 criticism steps next to their picture). Drawing and re-writing the information helps the students retain it!
Additionally, I feel that the "Cubing" strategy can be used with the "Self-evaluation and Reflection" strategy when we have finished creating a work of art and it is time for the students' self-critique. Cubing could help them reflect on the basic vocabulary and strategies (knowledge, comprehension) illustrated in creating their work, while also allowing them to reflect on a deeper level concerning synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. This activity could be done independently or as a "small group" discussion.
Assessment of Learning

Gloria Sed
Gloria Sed
I have used informal assessments like exit cards after a lesson and response cards during review session. I have done some pre-assessment (pre-draw), ongoing assessments (monitoring students as they work and offering ongoing feedback and support as well as quizzes and unit tests), and summative assessments (projects and exams). Assessment accommodations I've used are oral reading of questions and extended time.

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