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Amanda Johnston

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Students with Disabilities

Amanda Johnston
Amanda Johnston
I have had a numerous amount of students with disabilities like LI, E/BD, IND, ASD, D/HH, VI, and OHI. Many times, these students need preferential seating or I place them next to a peer that will be helpful for them. Just thinking to last year I had a student with hearing impairments and needed basic accommodations like sitting close to the speaker. My school also provides three self contained classes that come to music class, some are mainstreamed and the rest come by themselves. When my self-contained students come to music I may need to greatly modify the lesson to meet each kids' level of need. Sometimes we totally side step the lesson as I gauge the "mood" of the class. (One time I only had one student that came that day so I gave the boy a private piano lesson. He loved it, and it was the first time I saw him smile in three years of knowing him!) I also provide motivation by letting them choose an instrument to free-style at the end of class if they try to participate during the lesson. This stretches the kids to not just sit there and be present, but to actively be engaged.
Tools and Strategies

Amanda Johnston
Amanda Johnston
I have used many strategies in my music classroom to ensure student success. One in particular is cooperative learning. For example, Kagan's Rally coach is utilized when the students use flash cards for review. One student asks the question/shows the instrument then another student answers and then they switch roles. This is done with 2-4 students. Another strategy I use is Mnemonic Instruction to teach the names of the lines and spaces on the staff and to memorize the vocabulary.
Assessment of Learning

Amanda Johnston
Amanda Johnston
I have used a variety of accommodations for my students with disabilities. These may include allowing translators, extended time, reading the prompt, restating directions, dictation, modifying the instrument, etc. One such student, who is in a self-contained class, is able to state his answers to the aide for her to write down.

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