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Stephanie Grooms

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Tools and Strategies

Stephanie Grooms
Stephanie Grooms
2. I have used Microsoft forms to create an assessment that provided my students with immediate feedback and did not allow them to continue to the next question to continue practicing the wrong skills, because students would be lead to another aligned question that challenged only if they got the answer correct. But, if they got the answer wrong it did not allow students to move ahead until they have mastered the skill.
Assessment of Learning

Stephanie Grooms
Stephanie Grooms
A student I had in my class this year had a 504 Plan. He had Juvenile Diabetes and I was tasked with watching him during all class activities. Due in part I had to be attentive, but not too obvious to take away his self advocacy. Thus, he and I developed a modified alert signal in which he had teacher made response cards in his classroom folder in which he would write a prompt appropriate answer to a question to increase active participation and on-task behavior. They give the teacher an opportunity to provide immediate feedback, and make sure he had taken his medication before coming to class.
Students With Disabilities

Stephanie Grooms
Stephanie Grooms
I had a student that was ADHD. I setup clear rules of behavior and consequences for breaking the rules. I set up a program that rewarded appropriate behavior. I made sure to seat the student near a good role model and away from distractions. Also, I established a nonverbal cue to get the student's attention when student was off task.

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