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Kenneth Solomon

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Students with Disabilities

Kenneth Solomon
Kenneth Solomon
I have recently graduated a student with Asperger Syndrome as diagnosed in his IEP. He was very passionate about learning to play his saxophone better and developing into a leader throughout his tenure. I quickly took notice to his inability to to learn music and understand basic Rhythms with master by displaying in front of his peers. It then forced me to reevaluate my approach to teach not only The student but my entire band. Many of the students was afraid to play by them selves in front of their peers. So, first took several steps back and started to dig for prior knowledge of the concepts being taught. So the students can transfer prior knowledge to the current assignment and got them to connect the new concept with and old concept. We had several discussions about the the concept and Gary was extremely knowledgeable about the concept. Due to him going and researching info on the concept and he actually taught me a few things about the concept that i did not take value too. The next time I evaluated the class as well as the student I evaluated the class individually and i notice more of the students as well as Gary understood the concept better and they could explain the concept to me as if i was a new student in the class and I never learned this concept. Gary graduated this year and will be attending JU in the fall with a band, ROTC, and academic scholarship!!!!
Assessment of Learning

Kenneth Solomon
Kenneth Solomon
An adapted assessment I have used is having students research about at the composers music we are learning via YouTube documentaries in jazz. My young jazz musicians at first just wanted to play the music and not connect to the music as intended by the composer. When we researched the composer the student got a better understanding of what the composer was dealing with in his life at the time hence giving them the motivation to compose the piece of music. Once the students understood more of the history of the composer they were able to draw more emotion out of the music during class, rehearsal and performance.

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