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Albena Arnaudova

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Students With Disabilities

Albena Arnaudova
Albena Arnaudova
I have student with Fragile X syndrome. Having an established routine is helping the student to cope with the challenges. Students with this impartment feel safe when they are informed in advance or the lesson plan. Repetition helps a lot as well. I have to explain, demonstrate and provide extra time for processing. Having a peer to follow is very helpful as well.
Tools And Strategies

Albena Arnaudova
Albena Arnaudova
Some students with Anxiety Disorder experience difficulty performing solo. Usually I use small groups or peer partners strategy to allow all students. My practice shows grate success and improvement in confidence during performance for the students with anxiety disorder. Additionally I use videotaping as a tool for self assessment. In some cases positive feedback after viewing of the video mater helps the student overcome the performance anxiety.
Assessment Of Learning

Albena Arnaudova
Albena Arnaudova
I worked with paraplegic students. They love the ballet class. The goal was to work on the fluidity and strength of the upper body. The able students usually perform each exercise twice - with the right and then with the left leg. For my wheelchair students I assigned different movement quality. First time they perform the movements with soft, gentle and flowy quality and in the repeat with sharp, percussive and strong quality. The students were very responsive to the challenges and the use of dynamics along with the mastery of the port de bras.

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