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Ashley Nickels

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Students with Disabilities

ashley nickels
ashley nickels
I have a student on the Autism Spectrum that gets overwhelmed easily with too many directions. At the beginning of the year, he would sit and stare after directions and not work. If he did start working, it wouldn't be anything to do with what we were working on. I had him sit at a table group with a few happy to help students. At his table he had less students than the other tables but with students that would answer questions or assist. The other students would begin to get him started and he would work independently. They would keep an eye out for him so if he got overwhelmed or distracted they would get him back on track. I was checking on him very often and giving him small tasks to complete at a time so I didn't overwhelm or confuse him. I would also have a to do list on my board that helped him in order of what to complete.
Tools And Strategies

ashley nickels
ashley nickels
A strategy I use in my classroom is cooperative learning. I have my students pair and share or talk as a table when discussing vocabulary and relating it to an artwork. I also have them pair and share or talk as able while discussing directions so they remember what to do. My students work at tables and use peer partners before asking for help. I use ask 3 students before me. I do find my ESE students usually gain confidence getting help from a student rather than a para. I agree that the students usually know what to do better than the paras and the ESE students benefit from that and gain relationships.
Another strategy I use is backwards chaining when I need to assist students with learning a new skill. I always start with full on assistance and back away as they learn independently. Like the example in the reading, cutting skills are a way of using backwards chaining.

I use technology by recording my demonstrations and playing the videos for the students. The screen I play them on is large so everyone can see well. It's very handy so if a student isn't understanding something I can go back and replay the video. I can also pause the video if student's need more time or go back and use the video as needed later on.. All students are engaged with the video demonstrations verse the live demonstrations because they can see better and it captures their attention well.
Assessment of Learning

ashley nickels
ashley nickels
My student's keep sketchbooks where I assess their learning by having them write about their artwork using vocabulary. For a students that is ADHD, I have students that are struggling come sit with me on the carpet and they tell me their thoughts/answers verbally. I help them break their answers into sentences and have them write down in simple steps what they told me.

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