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Elizabeth McAllister

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Students with Disabilities

Elizabeth McAllister
Elizabeth McAllister
I have a student with cerebral palsy. I begin teaching recorder in the 3rd grade. I use a recorder karate program. At first I wasn't sure how I could adapt the program to accommodate her limited motor control. It was clear she wasn't going to be able to play the recorder. Instead, I modified the handles of a set of mallets so she could grip them easier. I used a xylophone with limited tone bars. ( BAG to start) I spaced the tone bars two or three spaces apart to give her a greater chance of accuracy. She "earns" her recorder belts on the xylophone. I still keep her recorder in the class bin and tie on the colored strings as she earns her "belts". She enjoys coming to music because she can really participate and she has much more peer interaction in my classroom.

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