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Kristin Holloway

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Students with Disabilities

Kristin Holloway
Kristin Holloway
I have a student with ADHD in my art class who is frequently distracted and struggles to stay on task. I have seated the child close to me when I give directions and demonstrations which helps to keep him engaged. I also post a list of instructions in order for him to refer to while he works. I will check on him regularly thought the project to check off completed steps.
Tools And Strategies

Kristin Holloway
Kristin Holloway
I use technology in my art class to clearly demonstrate new techniques. I will use a video camera that is displayed onto my SmartBoard for easy viewing. I frequently record the lesson so that students can replay the information and demonstration as much and as slow as needed.

Assessment of Learning

Kristin Holloway
Kristin Holloway
1. Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I have adapted assessments for a student with generalized anxiety disorder. It is easy for this child to become overwhelmed when challenged with a task. I have adapted open-ended assessment questions to "true or false" and multiple choice answer choices.

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