Students With Disabilities
Donna Kruithof
I have a student who is E/BD and autistic. She is frequently angry and accusatory towards me and ignores instruction to just draw whatever she wants. When I try to talk to her, she claims that she never received materials or instruction and/or that I lost her work. It is very frustrating to have a student be verbally abusive towards me and refuse to do work. I am still trying to reach this student - some days she seems willing to try, but usually she either ignores anyone/everyone to draw or yells. My responses have been to try to stay calm and focused and let her know that if she refuses to do the work, she is choosing to get a zero as a grade. I have offered her the option of changing up the work, extended time, and peer help. There are 32 students in the class, and she is a definite challenge. |
Tools and Strategies
Donna Kruithof
I am excited to try the cubing differentiation strategy. I have one class in particular that includes students who come from the self-contained classroom and I am struggling with how to reach a student who is very low academically, but loves art. I have tried to incorporate both math and reading into some of the lessons and he struggles every time. This will allow me to have a plan already in place before the lesson begins. I also learned something new about differentiation - make sure EACH activity can relate to the overall SPECIFIC goal of the lesson, not be a broad generic goal. |
Assessment of Learning
Donna Kruithof
I was doing paper quilt blocks (friendship star) and this student struggles with using a ruler for measurement (it is in the IEP), so I lightly drew the grid for him. Now he still had to create the pieces to go in the grid and place them appropriately. The goal was to create the block, not assess how well he could measure with a ruler, so this small change made for a very happy and successful student. |