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emily vanwey-schell

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Students With Disabilities

emily vanwey-schell
emily vanwey-schell
I have a student with multiple personality disorder. She gets agitated easily , but loves to feel like she is clicking and joining in with other students. I have seated her with a few very patient and kind students who include her in their group when working. She is a gifted artist and most of the time is very happy to create 3-d projects out of clay with little help. I guide her and redirect when necessary. Our class has made her feel like she belongs by including her and not making her disorder a defining factor.
Tools and Strategies

emily vanwey-schell
emily vanwey-schell
Peer partners work really well for my ceramics classes. At our school we have a program that is called "peer buddies" so most students are aware of the program and love to work with other students. It is so helpful to my students who need an extra hand....all students benefit from giving and receiving help. It has been extremely successful in all classes. For students who finish a project "early" I've implemented task cards as a way to earn extra credit. It gives students a chance to deepen knowledge and earn extra points.

Our school has recently offered chromebooks for rental to all students at our school.About 1300 students have signed one out and it is awesome to have them in the classroom to look up art work, go on a museum walk, check you tube tutorials for working on the wheel, etc. They have come in handy so much, especially in a classroom where I only have 2 student computers!!
Assessment of Learning

emily vanwey-schell
emily vanwey-schell
I use INB's/sketchbooks for brainstorming(pre-assessments) and self-critique/reflections(post if you will). I meet with my students 1 on 1 or in groups of 3-4 students to discuss what they are going to choose as their subject for their ceramics project and have them show me their brainstorming. This way I am sure of what they understand or still need guidance with before a project begins. I do this for all of my classes so I am not singling out 1 group of students. At the end of each project we reflect in our INB's and meet again. This is a way for me (besides constant circulating) to check their understanding of the standard taught and carried out. This allows discussion about the final outcome, along with feedback for each individual student.

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