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Daniel Suarez

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Students With Disabilities

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
In the past, I taught a student had Speech & Fluency issues. These areas became apparent when he had to recite lines for Shakespeer Much Ado About Nothing. With the help of his senior English Teacher & myself self, we were able to get him to be successful!
Tools And Strategies

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
For Theaters productions prep I would use Correll notes most of the time. I would also allow them time to work in Peer or Task related Committees to review their notes. In addition to putting my teaching lessons online that would serve as a mirror for the Correl note-taking
Assessment of Learning

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
I currently have a legally blind student in my production of Beauty & The Beast. All of her scripts have to be enlarged or add to her Ipad. Due to her vision issues, I have given her a dance buddy to aid her on stage. Plus I have made extra sure that the backstage is cleared of items that could cause her to trip
Tools and Strategies

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
Each day I create a google form that serves as a Graphic Organizer for my students. While I teach students are entering their answers into the form. I also write down or use images for step by step questions.
Students With Disabilities

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
Using my student data is very helpful. Even though my lessons are based on State standards I have to modify much of the information do that my students are able to understand. By grouping them by ability it has helped alot

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