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Devon Jacques

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Students with Disabilities

Devon Jacques
Devon Jacques
I have a student this year with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I have learned to choose my battles, ones i may engage with other students, but not this student. We have set up a weekly reward if he gets top behavior marks in all classes. I give him a few choices because chances are if he does not like what we are doing, I will have to diffuse an angry outburst. I have also learned calming techniques to try when he starts getting angry.
Tools And Strategies

Devon Jacques
Devon Jacques
Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address a student with a disabilities needs.
I have set up learning centers for early finishers to go to when they have completed the days work. Not only does this help with behavior issues with "bored' students, it also gives students an opportunity to improve skills.

I also use Self evaluation and reflection at the end of assignments. The students get a chance to reflect on what worked or didn't in their projects (while helping me tweak my lessons) and also allows students to hear POSITIVE feedback from their peers, giving them more confidence in their work.
Students with Disabilities

Devon Jacques
Devon Jacques
  • Think of a fine arts student with a disability you have now or in the past. Review the Assessment Accommodations Checklist and select two options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her fine arts learning. Discuss how they would benefit the student. I had a visually impaired student last year. I had her sit close to the board, had step by step instructions printed larger and the words bolder and gave her drawing materials that were easier to see on the paper.

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