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Jennifer Burrows

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Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Burrows
Jennifer Burrows
I had a set of twins that were both visually impaired. In class, they were placed front and center, with the best visibility in the room. In addition, they were given permission to move to the front of the class whenever we were using the board/overhead. They both joined band and we ordered the band book in as large a print as they could make. In addition, I gave them Cd's of the music to listen to so that they could practice by ear as well. They both were able to be successful.
Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Burrows
Jennifer Burrows
I had a set of twins that were both visually impaired. In class, they were placed front and center, with the best visibility in the room. In addition, they were given permission to move to the front of the class whenever we were using the board/overhead. They both joined band and we ordered the band book in as large a print as they could make. In addition, I gave them Cd's of the music to listen to so that they could practice by ear as well. They both were able to be successful.

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