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Susan Cavanagh

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Students with Disabilities

Susan Cavanagh
Susan Cavanagh
I had a student last year with a speech challenge. He and I decided together to use the reverse camera on my iPad.
He used one of the practice rooms to self evaluate his pronunciation of a choral text.
We followed up with some extra rehearsal time before school the next day. He found it very beneficial.
Students with Disabilities

Susan Cavanagh
Susan Cavanagh
I have a rising 8th grader with a degenerative eye disease. She could see enough to read the music with her binocular last year.
I helped her by using a recording device to tape her part for her to learn. We have already planned additional rehearsal time In the morning before school this year, to help her learn the literature. I will, again, be taping her music as additional support .
Students with Disabilities

Susan Cavanagh
Susan Cavanagh
Two years go I had a boy in my 7th grade choir on the autism spectrum. He would not/ could not demonstrate his knowledge of the choir literature in front of anyone else in the class.
I repositioned the seating/ standing positions of the students to a double semi circle in the room. I did a rotation every three reheasal periods. I made sure this boy was directly next to me at the piano as I could evaluate his progress within his comfort level. His confidence level had improved last year to the point of being able to demonstrate his expertise in class.

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