Students With Disabilities
- A student with a disability that I had in the past needed movement to maintain there focus. Due to this he sometimes would have to leave class during times when key concepts were being gone over. Some ways I was able to help the student was to have videos of lesson that could be gone over when they returned to the classroom.
Students With Disabilities
I am going to be teaching an after school Chorus class and will try some of your accommodations during that time. Going advice. Johanna Broihahn wrote:
Working with students who are hearing impaired in your particular subject must be challenging, but the accommodations you make are awesome! I especially like the fact that you provide recordings of their work to send home as feedback.
I have a couple of students who are hearing impaired and I teach Chorus. It affects the class in that if the student is unable to hear the music, it makes pitch matching, improvising harmonies and many other elements of this performance based class difficult for all concerned. One thing I always do is make sure that they are close to the source of the music...whether that be an instrument, a person or a speaker. Another thing I do is surround them with strong singers so that they are encompassed by the sound. Finally, I have worked with students privately after school to help them with pitch matching and recognition incorporating hand signs to communicate pitch directionality and specific interval sizes. I also provide recordings of their voice part, the accompaniment and the voice parts of all the other singers to allow them to practice at home. |
Tools And Strategies
- Option 2: Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion. One way I have used technology in the classroom for a student who had language impairment was to have the assignments available on file where the student could use their computer to answer the questions and turn in all the writing assignments using the computer. This helps them stay organized and not have to write everything. It also helps to provide immediate feedback.
Tools And Strategies
Graphic Organizers are a great way to help students collect all the notes taken and put in one place. ileana reich wrote:
Hi Erin, I too have used graphic organizers to help student break down text in centers. I have also used notes Cornell notes. I agree that smaller groups are more effective as well. These are all great ways to help assist our students in learning. Erin Wright wrote:
I've used graphic organizers and grouping practices regularly. In AVID training, we learned a lot about Cornell notes and I think it's extremely important to teach students how to take notes. The basic Cornell note can be modified to meet different needs for each student, but it provides an excellent framework and routine to help them document information they learn, either in class or from books or videos. Grouping practices do need close monitoring, but there is so much that can be done to differentiate learning using stations for groups. You can teach the same topic in the same amount of time providing multiple possibilities for product. Students who have trouble learning visually can be placed into a small group with a project that centers around movement or sound. In smaller groups, students tend to feel less lost in the crowd and have a chance to voice their thoughts without feeling too intimidated. |
Assessment of Learning
Option 1: Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion. One great example I used for alternative assessments to have the student be successful was reading the questions aloud and also limiting the number of responses in the answer. |