Tools And Strategies
Susanna Wingenroth
Tools & Strategies Fine Arts Forum
Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address a student with a disabilities needs.
I have students on the Autism spectrum in some of my classes. Because many of these students are visual or verbal thinkers I think using Mnemonic Instruction, visual or verbal prompts, will help create mental bridges to learning. I have beautiful posters in my classroom that give graphic illustrations of the Elements and Principles of Art, but I am realizing that these may be too conceptual for many. I would like to find or create some posters for each of the individual Elements and Principles that are Mnemonic pictures, and also include some verbal reminders. This will also help my students who have memory or processing problems to create those bridges to retrieving and retaining the information.
Letter Strategy is another strategy I plan to use. I found some Mnemonic Devices for learning the Elements and Principles: Sam Can View The Land From Space, and BRUCE PM. I am huge Bruce Lee fan, so I HAVE to design fun posters for these! Having these anchors in the classroom will serve as a great visual reminder, helping students to connect the abstract concepts to the hands on application of these elements and principles in their artwork. Using these phrases and words will help the students create “memory objects” that will link the information together in way that is easier to retrieve. |
Assessment of Learning
Susanna Wingenroth
Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.
I have had groups of students with ASD. Many of these students had much success in their art learning when given task cards to symbolize the steps in creation, for choosing materials, and for assessing their artworks.
I now have a few students who may have ASD and have emotional outbursts when they feel overwhelmed. I give the students a card that they can show me when they are beginning to feel overwhelmed, and they can take a break from their work to cool down, and can go to the office. |