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Steven Ross

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Students with Disabilities

Steven Ross
Steven Ross
I had a student with cerebral palsy. He had a classroom assistant to support him when moving around the school or with tasks like writing. He was very positive in his outlook on life taking part in all tasks with great enthusiasm. He loved singing but he also suffered from speech impairment. He improved his fluency dramatically through participating in chorus. I would make accommodations to tempo on the songs that the chorus would sing at to allow him to feel success.

On instruments like xylophones I would often remove bars and reposition them so that he could have success without the instrument limiting him. I would have his assistant support him reaching the goal on his own rather than having her play his part for him. He was very vocal with comments and I felt it necessary for him to have his voice heard so that he would feel comfortable and secure that the music room offered a safe environment where he could succeed.
Tools and Strategies

Steven Ross
Steven Ross
  • Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to describe the specific technology and how it assisted the student with a disability.

I have an iPad lab with the app Notion installed on it. I used the technology to assist a student with a disability in being able to compose a rhythmical piece of music. I created the file and selected the instrument so that he could focus on inputting the rhythm. He was very good at math and enjoyed the fact that he could focus on the output rather than his ability holding him back from creating the rhythm piece he desired. My goal was for him to use quarter notes and eighth notes and their corresponding rests and include repetition to establish a groove. He used the playback and feature to check his work. Then he refined it using edit tools to delete and add rhythms. All students in the class worked on this project and I felt that it removed the obvious disability from the final product as I played back the pieces and printed them out so the end result was high quality and they were proud that using this music notation program could assist them in creating music they could hear and see.
Assessment of Learning

Steven Ross
Steven Ross
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

I have used the same style of presentation font for both music and text. This allowed the visual impaired learners to practice the same style of presentation so that in a test it wasn't something they were unfamiliar with. For example, beamed eighth notes together on the beat or over beats one and two or three and four. I also could then enlarge the text for them and the content still be the same. Also, using technology with a playback button so they could hear the question as many times as they needed.

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