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Farryn Weiss

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Students with Disabilities

Farryn Weiss
Farryn Weiss
I recently worked with a student on the autistic spectrum and while working with him found it best to model and demonstrate for him in the percussion section as well as chunk material learned and then continuing to grow or build off of that. There are also peers in his class within the section additionally who have been very gracious and considerate....patient and incredibly helpful to assist him when I am working with the whole ensemble.
Tools and Strategies

Farryn Weiss
Farryn Weiss
1. I have utilized Mneumonic Instruction (specifically Letter Strategy ) when teaching the musical staff with students in beginning band (Every Good Burger Deserves Fries/Elvis Got Busted Driving Fast, All Chickens Eat Grain/All Cars Eat Gas...etc...) as well as to have a better understanding of the order of sharps/flats (Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bacon.)
2. I have also utilized Peer Grouping asking either older/more experienced students may assist others while working on a certain passage/exercise in class. I may also ask students in their peer groups to review the new material presented in the method book in the box and then come together as a full ensemble to debrief.
Assessment of Learning

Farryn Weiss
Farryn Weiss
I have a student that is on the autistic spectrum and what I have found is that by altering and providing a timeline different (extended time but with clear expectations/requirements)and more accommodating for this student that allows for them to still complete the assignment or modified assignment has been quite successful. The student uses this additional time responsibly and everything is clearly established but allowing them to work at their own level and a more appropriate pace-written or playing.

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