Students with Disabilities
Rosanna Schofield
Think of a student with a disability you have now or in the past. Describe ways in which their disability affected their learning in your class. I have a student who has a behavioral disability that at times adversely affects his performance in the classroom. He is ADD and by the time this student reaches my class the medication is working at a minimum. In the morning this student is moving about in a calm manner and he appears to receive and process information well; however, after lunch he has more energy. I work at a school where the days are extended, and the schools daily dismissal time is at 4:45PM. Seeing this student at the end of an extended day affects his ability to stay focus; however, in my class, I have centers for the students to rotate/ travel to. I can say that because of the centers this student is managing to complete his assignments and his learning is affected at a minimum. When it is time to switch to another center, he is ready to move. |
Tools And Strategies
Rosanna Schofield
Two of the strategies discussed that could potentially be implemented in the classroom are cooperative learning and chaining. As students head towards the 21st century each student must have a clear understanding of how to think critically and be able to provide a response to a question in a clear and literate way. I believe that the grouping practice that allows for cooperative learning teaches the student not only how to reach a common goal, but it teaches the student how to work effectively with others. In addition to the cooperative learning piece i have selected chaining. Chaining involving breaking a task down and that can be beneficial to not only a student with a disability but to class as a whole. When assignments are chunked many students produce better results because the student is not overwhelmed with the amount of material, therefore producing work that reflects the content taught and the process steps. |
Assessment of Learning
Rosanna Schofield
Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities. I have used a center rotation in the class for drawing. The center is called Choice Art where students can create the assignment that will allow them to maximize and produce their understanding of a unit. The students are given a summary of the unit and then the student can select what they would like to complete. (a map, timeline, flip-book, comic strips etc.). The student can use technology for research, posters and many different styles and techniques for learning the content and producing a piece of work. |