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Raymond Lay

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Students with Disabilities

Raymond Lay
Raymond Lay
I was teaching a non-verbal boy with Cerebral Palsy in my Exploring Music Class. He is an incredible young man, but he was not able to participate in most of the activities in the class. However, he is very proficient with the school I-Pads and other technology. So I was able to create different lessons and activities for him that still taught him the standards we were learning. The school did a feature on him and he said that music was his favorite class. Not to mention he was able to create some very beautiful pieces of original music, while showing me a few new things on the I-Pad.
Tools and Strategies

Raymond Lay
Raymond Lay
I have taught a non-verbal student with cerebral palsy in my Exploring Music class. Now he was very proficient with the I-Pad which all of our students are given at the beginning of each year. I was able to use www.muscitheory.net and Quaver’s Marvelous World of Music to help me communicate with him as well as instruct, assess, and reevaluate his progress. Utilizing these programs, and a few others, he was able to create, notate, and analyze music.
Assessment of Learning

Raymond Lay
Raymond Lay
I had a student who had an accident and was unable to use his arms for an extended amount of time. He was in my Intermediate Band class and played the drums. Well, for his end of the year assessment, since he was unable to play in our concert, I had him create a 32 bars of an original piece using the Quaver program that our school was piloting.

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