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Joseph Barefoot

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Students With Disabilities

Joseph  Barefoot
Joseph Barefoot
I have several students who have Attention deficit disorder and tend to fall behind due to the multiple processing needed in our sculpture class. I use Google classroom to scaffold the process needed in order for them to complete their sculpture. Instead of continually asking for assistance or whats next they can use the digital formatt to check their progress and plan for upcoming steps and processes.
Students With Disabilities

Joseph  Barefoot
Joseph Barefoot
One of the ways I have used technology in the classroom to help some of my students with disabilities is to use the lanyard mic that came with my smart board. Even though I have a loud speaking voice I have noticed that using this mic really helps keep the kids attention and focus. I have also noticed that the smart board has several magnification tools and its resolution really helps the students see with much better clarity.
Students With Disabilities

Joseph  Barefoot
Joseph Barefoot
Last year I had a student with extreme sight difficulty. I had a electronic magnifier that they used while drawing in their sketchbook. We had some difficulty in the beginning with calibrating the machine with the distance they wanted to use it for but I worked with the student to overcome the challenges ant they ended up using it quite often and eventually acquired one themselve thru the lighthouse for the blind.
Assessment of Learning

Joseph  Barefoot
Joseph Barefoot
Having students who are very low performing readers I will sometimes read test questions to them and let them auditorily respond to them or write them down in short answer form. I find that this works to not only put the student at ease but it allows me to build a report with the student while helping them to build their educational skills
Tools and Strategies

Joseph  Barefoot
Joseph Barefoot
One way I have recently been able to use technology to assist some students with disabilities is the chromebook cart. It allows some of my students that suffer from dyslexia the ability to use spell check and dictionary to help them with their artist statements and research requirements while allowing me the opportunity to comment on their work while it is in progress instead or being at the end.

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