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Hallie Smith

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Students With Disabilities

Hallie Smith
Hallie Smith
I currently have a student with Autism in my 2D art class. He has a lot of trouble with abstract concepts and thinking creatively. I have found that if we have a one on one discussion about the topic I can direct him toward thinking about actual experiences he's had and then begin to nudge him toward deciding how those experiences would have changed if specific circumstances had changed. Kind of a directed creativity. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of talking him through it but he always ends up getting a good idea.
Tools and Strategies

Hallie Smith
Hallie Smith
I had a student with Autism in my 2D art class who was very technically minded and proficient on the computer. When appropriate, I gave her the option of using Photoshop or Illustrator to do her projects. We would first discuss what the learning outcome was and she would explain how she could achieve that using digital design and which program would be best suited for it.
Assessment of Learning

Hallie Smith
Hallie Smith
I had a student several years ago in a 2D art class with Cerebral Palsy. Because she had a lot of trouble visually representing her ideas due to her disability, I would combine the visual assessments of her work with an oral assessment where she could explain the concepts and describe what she saw in her head in much greater detail than what she could put on paper.

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