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Kathleen Tracey

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Students With Disabilities

Kathleen Tracey
Kathleen Tracey
Administrator wrote:
Think of a student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
Students With Disabilities

Kathleen Tracey
Kathleen Tracey
I had a visually impaired student in my 2D 1 art course. She could only see shadows and used a special screen to see shapes. In the class with her where 32 other non visually impaired students with a variety of learning challenges. I placed the visually impaired student with two students who where willing to be her buddy and help her with directions, projects etc. I constantly circulated and assisted her as much as possible. She was also constantly absent from school which added another difficulty to the situation. I was in contact with her mom throughout her time in the course. It was a challenge to give her the attention she needed while maintaining a safe and controlled learning environment for the other 32 students.
Tools and Strategies

Kathleen Tracey
Kathleen Tracey
Two strategies that I believe will work great for various problems in the art classroom are cooperative learning and discovery learning. For example, if I am teaching printmaking which is best taught in small group instruction I can have a cooperative group learning the history of printmaking, another group designing their print and a third group printing. The groups would then rotate. Discovery learning can be used in say for instance an AP Studio course where through trial and error and using teacher help and instruction a student begins to work on their individual concentration.
Assessment of Learning

Kathleen Tracey
Kathleen Tracey
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.
  • I currently have a student who is a high functioning autistic. She is incredibly smart but does struggle with some small motor skills. I have adapted drawing utensils for her so that she can grip them better. I have also had to adapt the grading of her work, she is in my AP Studio course and requires more time to work on her pieces.

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