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Jennifer Haber

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Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Haber
Jennifer Haber
I currently have a student with a visual impairment. I have enlarged all of the music on a photocopier to help her see. I also allow her to sit by herself instead of with a stand partner so that she can pull up the stand as close as possible to her. I have also made mp3 recordings for her to take home so that she can play along with them when practicing.
Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Haber
Jennifer Haber
I have had many students with Intellectual Disabilities. They tend to get more frustrated if they aren't to the level of progress of the other students in their class. They give up more easily if they aren't "getting it".
Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Haber
Jennifer Haber
Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.
The majority of my assessments are student demonstration of learning the required skill. I allow students who need to, take the test privately. Other students take the assessment in front of their peers, who make sure that they encourage each member of the class. For written assessments, I allow students who are ESE or ELL to use their notes.

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