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Cynthia Johnson

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Students With Disabilities

Cynthia Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
I had a student with hearing loss in my chorus and musical theatre classes. To assist him, I made sure to place him near speakers and to make sure he could see when I spoke. Occasionally, he would have difficulties matching pitch. I found, that he could feel the placement in the resonators and cheekbones and could use that as a way to help his pitch. He played a leading role in a musical. I had visual cues for him backstage so that he could know his entrances.
Tools and Strategies

Cynthia Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
I have found peer partners to be effective. It allows students who need additional support to get additional help in a way that is supportive. The students who are assigned these study buddies are allowed to ask their peer a question at any point in a rehearsal. I also have the peer mentor assist their mentee with specific tasks, such as a 5-minute help session with flashcards. Mnemonic devices have also been helpful. One student with dyslexia responds very well to these. I have found myself creating several new devices this year to assist her.
Assessment of Learning

Cynthia Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Last year, I had a student with language impairments, making reading and writing challenging for him. I would administer theory tests to him verbally. If it had a concept that required him to read (like reading a key signature) I would write that particular notation on a small whiteboard. Having this input one question at a time helped him from becoming overwhelmed. He was very proficient in the content! He just needed the tests in a little different format to demonstrate his knowledge.

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