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Tyler Hudson

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Students with Disabilities

Tyler Hudson
Tyler Hudson
Makes sense. Any safety concerns due to impulsivity? I have a couple of students with difficulties in that area (not major, but enough to keep me on guard.)
Students With Disabilities

Tyler Hudson
Tyler Hudson
"Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to describe the specific technology and how it assisted the student with a disability."

One student that I had was very interested in design, but due to fine motor function problems had great difficulty with traditional pen and paper assignments. To say that CAD was a revelation to her is the understatement of the year!
Assessment of Learning

Tyler Hudson
Tyler Hudson
One student that I worked with had difficulties with written expression, however, he was easily able to demonstrate knowledge of time signatures by performing them. Worked great for that lesson.

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