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Jennifer Adams

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Students with Disabilities

Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams
With a student who was legally blind, and learning to play an instrument in band, the music had to be adapted. Fingering charts and music were enlarged. Extra time was given for trial and error until it was able to be played correctly. Student was given differentiated instruction including ear training that helped his ability to play in a group. He learned that "feeling" where the notes were going helped him make sense out of the music he was playing.
Tools and Strategies

Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams
With a student in band who had selective mutism, music was an amazing outlet that was successful through differentiation. She couldn't speak to you face-to-face, but she could play her instrument out loud. A system of communication using the cube method was developed through her playing that led me to know she could actually speak if it wasn't face-to-face. This led to more differentiation where voice communication would take place by phone conversation.
Assessment of Learning

Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams
A student with Autism in band is allowed to use his tablet to respond to questions either with words or pictures as opposed to having to speak - something he cannot do typically. The same student is allowed to make musical sounds and rhythms using a music app. He can count out beats in a measure and even identify some note values creating the correct rhythms.

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