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Mirta J Ramos

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Assessment Of Learning

Mirta J Ramos
Mirta J Ramos
Think of a student with a disability you have now (or have had in the past). Identify their disability. Review the Alternative Assessment Checklist and select two or more options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her learning. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

In past years I've had students with learning disabilities, this affected their reading comprehension. I would allow students to take CDs home to listen to the text several times before testing. This would allow the students more time with the text and help with comprehension. When reading a play or song I would allow students to select the character they wanted to represent. During assessments students had more time to process the text.
Students with Disabilities

Mirta J Ramos
Mirta J Ramos
Here at this school we have several students that are deaf. This affects them because they have an implant and have to sit close to where the teacher is speaking/teaching.
Tools and Strategies

Mirta J Ramos
Mirta J Ramos
I use graphic organizers across the curriculum. With so many different graphic organizers to pick from, I can normally find one but if not I will create one that fits the lesson. This is a great for students to have a quick visual of the information needed to move forward with the lesson. During our morning tutoring group we use reciprocal teaching. I've noticed that students are more engaged when we are using this strategy. We also added a visualize part to it, students select a section of the text to illustrate and write a complete sentence describing it.
Students with Disabilities

Mirta J Ramos
Mirta J Ramos
Currently we have a deaf student in class. He has an implant and has preferential seating. This allows him to sit close to the teacher or any device that is being used in class.
Assessment of Learning

Mirta J Ramos
Mirta J Ramos
In my 4th grade class I have two students that are SLD. In order to accommodate the students' needs I give students extended time on assignments/tests. Students are pulled for small group instruction where students preview the skills to prepare for up coming lessons.

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