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Caroline Carter

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Students with Disabilities

Caroline Carter
Caroline Carter
I currently have a freshman student who has an IEP (SLD) and has ADD. Being new to high school during the pandemic, the extended workload/expectations, and the fact that this student is in a Performing Arts School seems to be a lot on this student artistically and academically. They are a talented actor/performer, they seem to want to be in our arts program, but they are either far behind at turning in work (in all subject areas) or they don't turn them in at all. We have implemented new accommodations for this student to have extra time to turn in the assignments and for us to give her an extended "grace period" for artistic measurement. I know that her process time is a little longer than some other students so I always giver her extra time and one on one discussion regarding content and material being performed.
Students With Disabilities

Caroline Carter
Caroline Carter
I currently have a freshman student who has an IEP (SLD) and has ADD. Being new to high school during the pandemic, the extended workload/expectations, and the fact that this student is in a Performing Arts School seems to be a lot on this student artistically and academically. They are a talented actor/performer, they seem to want to be in our arts program, but they are either far behind at turning in work (in all subject areas) or they don't turn them in at all. We have implemented new accommodations for this student to have extra time to turn in the assignments and for us to give her an extended "grace period" for artistic measurement. I know that her process time is a little longer than some other students so I always giver her extra time and one on one discussion regarding content and material being performed.
Tools And Strategies

Caroline Carter
Caroline Carter
Option 2:
In this time of a national pandemic one of the best things to come out of it is out of the box thinking and teaching. In our county, we started using the Canvas technology website. This allows students to remotely log into class (via a live TEAMS meeting) and students can access assignments (either written or video assignments.) Students have a timeline in which to turn in assignments and supports various media outlets. My teammate and I have been utilizing a website that is called FLIPGRID and this allows our students to post videos of themselves performing. This allows students to continue working on their craft but from the comfort of their home. Other students in the class can observe these performances to provide critiques (which is critical to our performances.) Flipgrid and Canvas have been a great asset to my students with disabilities. It allows that extension of time and focuses on the performing arts aspect (separate from paper/pencil.)
Assessment of Learning

Caroline Carter
Caroline Carter
In my program students are assessed not only on live performance but on their written critiques and a memory test (memorization.) I use rubrics for live performances and written critiques. This way students have concrete examples of what they will be scored on. When providing written feedback, some students are permitted to type up their feedback and submit it to me via canvas. Also, for the memory test - there are some students with disabilities that we chunk their test into 2 or 3 separate sessions so that they can focus on small sections at a time for their memory test.

Think of a fine arts student with a disability you have now or in the past. Review the Assessment Accommodations Checklist and select two options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her fine arts learning. Discuss how they would benefit the student.

Informal Assessment - Student journaling is a great way for me to check on specific areas with students. This is an easy yet informative way to do an informal assessment with all students but especially students with disabilities.

I would also like to include exit cards once a week as another way to informally assess students on new knowledge and also for self-reflection.

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