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Stacey Swogger

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Tools And Strategies

Stacey Swogger
Stacey Swogger
In my dance class this year, I have used technology in more ways then one... I think we all have. The technology we use at my school and in my class is a Camera to follow, Zoom for classes, Desktop, Cell phones, and laptops. These tools have helped incredibly being in a pandemic and for all different types of learners. One main website we do use is Google Classroom, how many below are also utilizing. This website has helped with tracking assignments, submitting work, test, quizzes, video submissions, streaming, and most importantly discussion. An example I can give for students that may need more time in reviewing choreography would be - If I am teaching a combo, at the end of class I will make sure to record myself doing the combo without music first, facing the camera and facing away from the camera - explaining in detail the choreography and then doing the combo with music - facing the camera and away from the camera. Then once I complete that I always upload onto google classroom for students to review or practice. This helps all students and it helps me. Once the students return next class they are able to do the combo at ease and then we can move on and add additional choreo.

Assessment Of Learning

Stacey Swogger
Stacey Swogger

Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability.

I have a few examples and alternatives that I have used in my classroom for my students with disabilities. A few examples I've used in my class for one of my students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is to allow additional time to complete assigned work/assessments (double the time when needed). Providing encouragement during assessments has also helped motivate the student. Teaching her memory techniques as a study strategy for example - mnemonics, visualization, repetition, and note taking. Continuing on working on a few of these strategies has helped her and I in my class. I know where she is, what she needs work on, and what I need to do as a teacher to help her when there is a hiccup.

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