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Agatha Christine

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Students with Disabilities

Agatha Christine
Agatha Christine
lesson.I have had a student for 3 years that has visual impairment due to albinism. I make sure that she and a friend have a seat close to the whiteboard for all drawing demos. I also utilize the Doceri app for my class iPad to create step by step drawing demos that the speed can be controlled by the student & repeated as many times as she wants.
Tools And Strategies

Agatha Christine
Agatha Christine
Using different mnemonic devices for the elements of Art & principles of design would be a great way for students to comprehend their connections. To really sink it in, drawing a composition illustrating the mnemonic sentence would be engaging and serve as a visual reference.

I would also like to explore using the iPad apps suggested for my students who need more guided practice and my students who need a challenge.
Assessment of Learning

Agatha Christine
Agatha Christine
I use self-reflections on the back of each finished project. Students are asked to assess themselves on a rubrix outlining the dominant element & principle of the project and writing a statement to support their assessment. For my ASD students i have a rubrix that uses visual symbols and emojis and they can circle their responses.

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