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Sondra Collins

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Students with Disabilities

Sondra Collins
Sondra Collins
I have taught multiple students with autism. One student displayed constant negative responses to stimuli and loud or high sounds. I used multiple techniques of keeping him seated far away from speakers and/or instruments, giving him a "safe place" within the room to retreat if needed, and gave him a place to shine when we were doing activities that he enjoyed or connected with.
Tools and Strategies

Sondra Collins
Sondra Collins
I constantly use Cooperative Learning, specifically in small groups with Kagan Cooperative strategies, such as "Think-Pair-Share" and "Round Robin." These small learning groups focus on student learning, where every student within the group must participate for the group to be successful.
I would like to use more "peer partner" mentoring within the classroom, specifically in learning new musical standards. I would partner an advanced student in that standard with a student with a disability that needs more attention or help, giving both the advanced "student teacher" moments of renewed learning through teaching and the student needing help the extra attention and help they deserve.
Assessment of Learning

Sondra Collins
Sondra Collins
I teach many students with Intellectual Disabilities, and with each I give formative assessments with modified performing goals. For example, if the goal is for my students to play a broken bordun on the xylophone, the goal for the student with an intellectual disability may be to play a simpler chord bordun with hands together.

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