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Greg Elrite

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Students With Disabilities

Greg Elrite
Greg Elrite
I had a student with ADHD in my class and to keep them actively engaged I frequently called on them to demonstrate the particular process that we were covering. Many times I sent them into the workshop to get the tools that we were demonstrating that day and help me present the proper use of the tool to the remainder of the class.
Tools and Strategies

Greg Elrite
Greg Elrite
Two stategies that I use in the Engineering Design class are Cooperative Learning and Reciprocal Teaching. The students are giving a task and divided into groups to provide a solution. It is during this phase that most of the students realize the overall concept and really begin to understand the material and help each other come to the same level of understanding. We use the Reciprocal Teaching in the initial design phase of any project. The students attempt to predict the best solution to a particular problem, we hold group discussions to question the solution,clarify the problem and provide more sound designs. After building the solution, or a prototype, we summarize the process and attempt to determine if we have the best solution. This process keeps all students involved and the more advanced students pull up the others during the entire evolution.
Assessment of Learning

Greg Elrite
Greg Elrite
I had a student with ADD that just could not sit for an entire period taking a written test. This led to creating performance based tests for many of the topics in the Digital Electronics class. Now the students create operational circuits on a breadboard as a test of their area knowledge vice completing a written exam. This has benefitted all of the students, not just the one with ADD.

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