Students with Disabilities
Kelly Warne
I have a 5th grade boy with ASD that is transitioning from art with a self-contained special education classroom to a general education class for art. It has been difficult transition for both of us. I have assigned him a seat next to me. He is assigned to a table with students that will model and help him with behavior and art expectations. I have modified his expectations in weaving from 10 rows of warp threads to 5 and a larger yarn to fill in the loom quicker. I will discuss with the special education and general education teacher other ideas for support. |
Tools And Strategies
Kelly Warne
One of the strategies I have used but could incorporate more is Graphic Organizers andThinking Maps my school has adopted. Using these to visually identify the learning and repeating/representing the learning targets and vocabulary for review in lessons is a great tool. Pair/Table share as a way of repeated practice and formative assessment I have found valuable and a way for all students to be involved in their own and others learning. Technology I use is mainly a computer and LCD projector to show online videos, such as the life and art of Romare Bearden and give students a chance to see art and artist they would not usually be able to experience. Using a multimedia experience helps visually impaired students hear the narration and experience the images in a large format. edited by Kelly Warne on 3/22/2017 |
Assessment of Learning
Kelly Warne
1. Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
I have a students ELL and SLD who struggle when filling out the exit slips or written assessments on our daily learning and projects. I will access their progress after a time has elapsed, if I see they can not write the answer to move to the next activity, I will have them tell me and write it for them. |