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Karen Watson

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Students with Disabilities

Karen Watson
Karen Watson
I currently have two students who are brothers and are hearing impaired. One in Fifth grade and one in second both do not have hearing aides at this time. I use an amplifier and mic for them for instruction. Also have them sit near the sound system for singing (they do very well with this) and put closed captioning on for instruction videos used in the classroom. Our county also has a hearing impaired teacher who regularly consults with me with ideas to use/try.
Tools and Strategies

Karen Watson
Karen Watson
Option 1
I will be using the Two-column notes strategy for my lesson on Beethoven with my students. Students are already familiar with the strategy, because we are an AVID school, and will be watching a short video on his life and will list the main points while watching and afterward discussion.
Second, I will be using guided notes for my students in self contained ESE classroom with regards to the instruments in the orchestra. They will be required to enter the missing vocabulary words during the lesson as it applies to the instruments and their families presented.
Assessment of Learning

Karen Watson
Karen Watson
I have an OT student with difficulty covering the holes on the recorder playing a piece of music for assessment. I would have him sing the note names for the melody in rhythm while covering the holes instead of having him play them, this way I can assess the note names, melody, rhythm, and fingerings.

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