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Katie Neal

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Students With Disabilities

Katie Neal
Katie Neal
I have had a student that was vision impaired. We printed her scripts with a larger font and made sure she had a partner student to guide her if needed. In the classroom, I made sure to read and describe any material presented at the front of the room.
Tools And Strategies

Katie Neal
Katie Neal
In my classroom, I can implement graphic organizers, especially Venn Diagrams when discussing different characters in a story. This can help students with disabilities see the similarities and differences between two characters. I have can use Cooperative Learning to allow students with disabilities the chance to discuss questions in a controlled environment with the support of a peer.
Assessment of Learning

Katie Neal
Katie Neal
One alternate assessment that I have used in the past is pairing an ESE student with a general education students for a pantomime assessment. The general education student guided the ESE student to develop a basic pantomime and perform it together instead of a solo performance.

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