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Anthoinette Taylor

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Students With Disabilities

Anthoinette Taylor
Anthoinette Taylor
I have a student in my dance class who has Emotional/Behavioral Disorder. This student became very frustrated in the beginning of class because of fear of doing moves incorrectly. This student would verbally attack the other students in her frustrated state. She would scream and yell, which would turn into crying. This happen the first two weeks of practice. I noticed it as soon as we began to get set for practicing. Now, I take that same student to the side and tell her that she can do it. If she doesn't get a step correct. I just stand in front of her and do the dance with her so she can watch me. I also give her the song in advance to listen too. This has helped her not to become so frustrated. Now, she is coming to class ready and very eager to learn the next dance.
Tools And Strategies

Anthoinette Taylor
Anthoinette Taylor
Option 2: Working with a group of students who are ADHD/ADD, I use videography as a form of technology in the classroom. I use "I do", "We do", and "You Do" in teaching steps to the students. I may need additional assistance, I have them videoed. This way they can see what they need to work on and why. It helps them to self correct quickly and keeps them focused on task at hand.
Assessment of Learning

Anthoinette Taylor
Anthoinette Taylor
Option1: I have used time allocation and differentiated instruction for a student with ASD. In order to keep time with the music, I allowed the student to clap out the song at the students own pace.

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