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Lorraine Berg

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Tools And Strategies

Lorraine Berg
Lorraine Berg
In my second grade classroom I had a student with behavioral disabilities. I often used individual sessions to repeat missed information as a result of the student being off task. When I was sure the student understood the task I assigned a peer tutor to help guide and provide support for this student. This allowed them to return to a place in close proximity so I could monitor the student while continuing with my small groups. This was a strategy I used to help this student complete the task and be successful in our class.
Tools And Strategies

Lorraine Berg
Lorraine Berg
1.Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address the needs of a student with a disability.

One of the strategies I have used in the past is a Learning Contract. The student and parent understood the assignment and the guidelines that I put in place for producing the skill based task.The student began the work in the classroom but needed more time and review of the steps. The student is able to have more time and guidance as a result of the contract. The work must be a product of the student. I have used this strategy in the general education classroom but I can see how it could be used in a Visual Arts class.

Another strategy that I use often is Grouping Practices. The use of Kagan Strategies, Recipricol Teaching, and Peer Tutoring are all very effective strategies. Students are accountable for their part in the learning but the have a different voice helping to explain the task and produce the desired product. This would be a very helpful strategy in the Visual arts classroom as well with students who have intellectual disabilities or learning differences.
Students with Disabilities

Lorraine Berg
Lorraine Berg
Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

In my classroom I have had several students with Social and Emotional behavior disabilities. I have used preferential seating to restrict distractions and noise. I would seat these students near my small group table so when I was there they were close to me and I could monitor more closely and give feedback.I would give them opportunities to rejoin a group but most liked the seat away from others. When it was time to assess I could have them come to the small group table or stay at their desk. This was a way to see when they were getting tired or frustrated. Sometimes they would be able to calm themselves after a cue but other times they needed a break before getting back to the assessment. One student liked having a cardboard enclosed study carrel. He did not like it at first so I put it near his desk out of the way. One day I saw he went and got it and set it up himself.

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