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Alcede Surtain

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Students With Disabilities

Alcede Surtain
Alcede Surtain
I had a student that suffered from Oppositional Defiant Disorder(ODD) simply refused to follow the rules in my Physical Education class. In the beginning of the year the student would come to class and run around the pavilion touching equipment that was set up for class and being a total disruption. Being the new PE teacher, I simply thought the student was trying to be a class clown for her friends and just seeking attention. After speaking to her homeroom teacher and the guidance counselor, I realized that i would have to take a different approach with this student. I swiftly made contact with her to convey the expectations of the class and to let her know if those expectations were met, she would have a chance to be my PE helper. I originally chose others to allow her to see first hand how cool it was to follow the expectations and to be my helper. She initially didn't take to well others being chosen but i noticed her starting to ask questions about becoming my helper. I saw the opportunity for me really affect this student positively by meeting her before she entered the pavilion and greeting her with a smile and compliment.("Good morning Sara. I like your sneakers") This allowed the student to let her guard down a little in my class just enough to enjoy the one thing she liked the most, sports. A few weeks went by and that student was finally chosen to be my helper. Although she wasn't perfect, she had put forth more effort to become the helper thus controlling her disorder for my 30 minute class. The negative about this situation was, whenever the student would get in trouble around campus, she would find her way back to the pavilion. This had become her out from performing in her classroom and behaving around campus. PE later became an incentive on her IEP to help curve her behavior and get her to perform in the classroom.

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