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Jordan Carr

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Tools And Strategies

Jordan Carr
Jordan Carr
Option 2: I have had a number of students with Anxiety Disorders who find it hard to express themselves. I pair that student up with a student they respect (who is also extremely confident) and I have them first watch others on the smartboard perform the dance steps, and then proceed to attempt themselves. Students are able to replay any dance steps they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with.
Tools and Strategies

Jordan Carr
Jordan Carr
This is from "Teaching Students with Disabilities in The FIne Arts."

Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address a student with a disabilities needs.

I use "Cooperative Learning" and "Peer Partnering" all the time. Students love being placed with a group as opposed to having to find a group or partner. Once they are placed into a group, students with greater knowledge of the material are able to assist students who lack that same knowledge. I change of groups every two weeks, so students don't grow tired of the same groups and possible "personality conflicts." I have found these two strategies to be extremely beneficial.
Tools And Strategies

Jordan Carr
Jordan Carr
Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

I have used "Response Cards" as a quick way to assess students before dividing them into groups. I can ask individuals, as a class, to respond to an answer. Each students speed of response, and accuracy with their answer, provides me with me an idea of what each child's knowledge of the material is. This is extremely beneficial when dividing students into groups where I want the more proficient students to assist the lower proficient students.

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