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Caroline Schmid

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Students With Disabilities

Caroline Schmid
Caroline Schmid
I currently have a student that has a learning disabilities.

She has a hard time processing movement sequences. I notice in the beginning of the year that during dance class she would get frustrated and shut down when she did not get the dance combination. I have moved her close to me and try to constantly make eye con tact with her. I was able to help her by giving her the movements in bite sizes. I make inquiries of the class such as was my foot in front or back. Since I am asking the whole class she benefits from hearing it out loud. I have the entire class break up in small groups and have them work out the dance combination.
This way she does not feel singled out the students love working with each other. Recently I invited her to join a small after school group she is thriving in a small group setting.
Assessment Of Learning

Caroline Schmid
Caroline Schmid
One of the concepts I like to use is pair and share. While demonstrating a particular movement I talk about key points that i want the students to implement.
Next I have them pair up . While one student is executing the movement the other student is watching , I then pose a question that pertain to the movement the student that is watching has to answer . this helps both students see and make the necessary corrections.
Tools And Strategies

Caroline Schmid
Caroline Schmid
In teaching my ESE students I have found that the use of (chaining) breaking a phrase into small bite size is a great strategy for teaching
choreography. After working with the whole group I then break students up into smaller groups. Given them time to choreography. work on the steps with each other. Each group then performs the section, Next we discuss what was good and what still needs to be worked on.

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