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Richard De Spain

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Tools And Strategies

Richard De Spain
Richard De Spain
Rick: Middle School theatre and music theatre teacher. I have several students who have challenges with social interactions or working in groups. In the creation of scripts scenes and sometimes improvisations, I poll the students in each group to find out what their favorite/most attractive entertainment options are and try to gear the assignment to those values and interests this allow the students to become more consistently engaged and provides a more topical framework for what they do.
I allow ipads, and cell phones for use in class for research, note taking, script saving (sometimes they forget their scripts, but they never forget their phones), and downloading and using music in the Broadway musical theatre class.
Tools And Strategies

Richard De Spain
Richard De Spain
Rick: Middle School theatre and music theatre teacher. I have several students who have challenges with social interactions or working in groups. In the creation of scripts scenes and sometimes improvisations, I poll the students in each group to find out what their favorite/most attractive entertainment options are and try to gear the assignment to those values and interests this allow the students to become more consistently engaged and provides a more topical framework for what they do.
I allow ipads, and cell phones for use in class for research, note taking, script saving (sometimes they forget their scripts, but they never forget their phones), and downloading and using music in the Broadway musical theatre class.
Assessment of Learning

Richard De Spain
Richard De Spain
Have frequently used oral and visual assessments rather than written when the student have a physical or emotional issue which prevented them from communicating successfully in writing. It works extremely well in a theatre environment

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