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Kimberly Keck

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Students With Disabilities

Kimberly Keck
Kimberly Keck
In my dance class, I have two students that are dyslexic which has a huge impact on their abilities to learn movement. They struggled with left and right most frequently. She was left dominate, so on new skills I would start teaching them off of her more dominate side and then move over to the right. She would be pick up things more quickly this way. We also used videos for her to go home and practice with. The videos were always recorded as if she was standing behind the person in the video so they were looking at my back and were able to effectively copy the movement easier.
Tools And Strategies

Kimberly Keck
Kimberly Keck
  • Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address a student with a disabilities needs.

Tiered lessons, where I made adjustments to choreography and make certain sections more simplistic for students who have learning delays or other disability needs.
I could also use Task Cards when sectioning off assignments in class where the students are grouped to the task that best suits their abilities.

  • Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to describe the specific technology and how it assisted the student with a disability.

I always use video in class as a means of reviewing and self-corrections. Additionally, I have a FM radio system which allows my voice to be heard over the entire studio for the hearing impaired student.
Assessment Of Learning

Kimberly Keck
Kimberly Keck
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

I regularly use exit tickets in all of my classes, its a great way for me to have each student complete a task that I deem they need to show mastery of a skill. These exit tickets aren't always the same for each child, making it where I can modify and adapt the assessment to work with the particular student.

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