Students With Disabilities
Tim DEBorde
Had a student with Down Syndrome one year. She was one of my hardest working students and did everything asked and assigned. ONe of my earkly performance assigns was for my Middle School student to recite an 8 line poem. I required a 4 line poem for her. SHe did hers beautifully. One student was overheard saying "SHe's doing better than us." That made my day! |
Tools And Strategies
Tim DEBorde
Two strategies that I use in my Theatre classroom are guided notes and cooperative learning. Guided notes can used in various ways. The most common way being that of Listening or Viewing guides for movies and performances. I tend to include both open ended and multiple guess type questions with this strategy. another strategy i use offten is that cooperative learning. Cooperative learning leads to colabotration, an important aspect of the teaching and production of Theatre. This often takes place when students are grouped toward their strengths and other weaknesses. Often, when a performance is fully created by the group, one may take the roll or director, on props, etc. |
Assessment of Learning
Tim DEBorde
I had a great student a couple of years ago who had Downs Syngrome. I allowed several accomodations thst I used with her mainly having to do with assessed performances. On of these was her poem was not as long, 4 lines instead of 8. Another was a monol;ogue about a suphero character she created. I allowed her to use Batman and made the monologue function as a rehearsed interview with me. In group performances, I placed her with students I knew would "protect" her and give her an appropriate ole in the sketch or scene. |